New Life Church is a learning church, and we are blessed to have access to a number of rich sources of education, encouragement, and inspiration in the Christian life. Pastor Terry Maner regularly references the writings and recordings of other Christians, past and present, whose teachings have impacted his life and shape his life, ministry, and preaching, and many of our church members have been impacted by reading and listening to some of the resources recommended to us . Below is a list highlighting some of the resources which shape the beliefs, values, and ministry culture of New Life Church, For questions, contact Pastor Terry Maner..
Recommended Resources
basic Christianity
by John R. W. Stott
The late John R. W. Stott had a profound impact on the church in the 20th and 21st century through his preaching and writing ministry. Basic Christianity is one of the most succinct, yet thorough books summarizing the essentials of the Christian faith. Terry recommends this book as "all-but-required-reading" for every member of New Life Church, and he commends it to any inquirer who wants to understand the essence of the Christian faith.
The prodigal God
by Timothy Keller
Dr. Timothy Keller, founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, has influenced a number of pastors over the last several decades with his provocative presentation of God's grace. Grounded in Luke 15 and what is usually called "the parable of the prodigal son," Keller invites us to look at the parable with fresh eyes. In doing so he challenges both the religious and the irreligious to see what all running from God has in common, and to discover the God who runs after us.