Prayer at New Life Church

New Life Church is committed to being a praying church, utilizing various individual and group means for demonstrating our total dependency upon God for our every need and for the fulfillment of His purposes in us. The prayer guide below provides a list of needs and concerns for which people connected with New Life Church have requested prayer. If you have a prayer request for which you'd like to ask the New Life` Church family to pray, please go to the contact new life church link and fill out and submit the form with your request. Please include any privacy instructions (i.e., "withhold name," "use last name initial only," etc.) in your submitted request.

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace,

that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need"

Hebrews 4:16

Last Updated 11/20

Members of New Life Church and Immediate Family


Kathy Coleman:  My granddaughter, Emma's, surgery went well.  Her tonsils were awful and adenoid almost blocking her nasal passages, but with antibiotics, steroids, and your much appreciated prayers, she is heading home to recuperate. (posted 11/20/24)

George & Lacey Graves:  Update on George's grandson, Josh Rivera.  He took a physical to join the Marines and they found a spot on his liver.  However, after further testing, discovered he has "minor" fatty liver.  He is waiting to hear from the military doctor's review to see if they will let him in the Marines.  Your continued prayers are much appreciated. (updated 11/20/24)

Trisha Nichols:  We are regular “seasonal” attendees at New Life. Please pray for relief from extreme neck/shoulder/arm pain and that I’ll be able to see the Neurosurgeon as quickly as possible. Pray that God will give her wisdom to know how to help me. And pray that God will give me strength & grace in the midst of all this pain to look to Him for complete healing. (posted 11/15/24)

John Bodie:  underwent major back surgery this afternoon to remove a cyst from the spinal cavity where nerve clusters are being affected; Charlene has indicated that the surgery went well and asks that we continue to keep him in our prayers for a complete recovery.  (updated 11/14/24) 

Bill and Janet Russ:  Praise Report on our Son Brian Russ.  The disaster team was able to help many on his recent mission to Asheville, NC. His family is doing well, and their daughter Eowyn is safely back at Western Carolina with school in session. Praise God for his protection for them and continue prayers for the NC areas still struggling with difficulties. (updated 11/11/24)

Amy Fluck:    Update on Dave.   I spoke to the surgeon this morning and Dave is cleared for by-pass surgery on his leg on Tuesday.  Please share with every and anyone for prayers for a successful surgery.  (updated 11/1/24)

Pastor Michael and Robin Canino – Drew Shirley, our grandson-in-law, who had the cancer, now has a blood clot in his neck and he's in the hospital.  Due to his allergies, they can't figure out how to solve it.  Please pray for wisdom for the doctors to effectively treat Drew and that our granddaughter Macie along with Drew will feel God’s presence during this time.  (posted 10/31/24)

Beverly Golden:  broke her foot and will be in a boot for a while.  Please pray for a quick recovery and total healing. (posted 10/26/24)

Dennis Burke: My foot surgery went well. 3 weeks more without weight bearing, then 4 weeks walking, but with the boot.  I am being careful & elevating. Thank you for your prayers.  (updated 10/23/24)

Deborah Christenburg:  Health update on my first husband Danny: He is walking long distances with his walker very well.  Please pray he will regain bathroom independence so he can finally go home (updated 10/23/24)

Becky Davis:  An update regarding my daughter Allison.  I just found out that Allison is being transferred back to Duke.  She needs to get blood thinners and that’s very dangerous because she is at risk of a brain bleed.  She’s better off where she can get the best care I know.  It’s still very scary to me because I don’t want anything happening to her!   (updated 10/13/24) She was discharged from Duke again yesterday (10/16/24) She will be on a blood thinner for the next 3 months. Thank you for your continued prayers! 

Amy Davis:  Most of (Jamie), our daughter's neighborhood is washed out; roads and friends' homes.  Praise God Jamie and family are safe as is their home.  She is in Boone, NC.  Please pray for everyone who was affected by the storm. (posted 9/30/24)

Friends & Extended Family 

Lacey Graves:  My nephew Josh Jarrell received his healing and new body on October 29th when he went home to be with the Lord.  Thank you for all the prayers for my loved ones.  (updated 11/20/24)

Eric Dunkelberger:  Our neighbor, Joe Walker, was taken in an ambulance on Sunday to SeaCoast Hospital to be evaluated for a stroke.  Please pray for this 89-year-old veteran. (posted 11/18/24)

Gene and Shelba Pollic:  Update on our Haitian daughter in Haiti – Rosita.  We found thru another contact, that there is a place in Port s???   just 20- mis. south of her - she visited them yesterday.  She can have the surgery - BUT - she needs to provide 2- liters of blood of her type - she is too anemic to give her own blood. The Red Cross cannot provide blood to the clinics and hospitals because of the gang rule.  Pray we can find a donor.  FYI - we find that the DR is deporting its Haitians and NOT allowing any in the country.  Haiti needs help from the USA bad - so far- Biden says NO - pray for a change.  Thanking you in advance for praying (updated 11/7/24)

Eric Dunkelberger:  My dear friend and coworker, Pat Naughton, is scheduled for brain surgery on Tuesday.  Please pray for peace and comfort for both Pat and his wife Coleen during this difficult time and pray for God's healing touch and wisdom for the entire medical team during this process. (posted 11/3/24)

Kathy Coleman:  PRAISE REPORT on My cousin Carol Fisher who suffered a stroke on October 1st.  Just wanted to thank everyone for the prayers as Carol continues to regain strength, balance and endurance with her mobility and clarity in her thoughts processes. Her goal for discharge home is November 8th with continued outpatient therapy.  (updated 10/31/24)

Heidi Read: Please surround my friend, Jordan Pomrenke, with a multitude of prayers.  His young wife, Tess, passed away peacefully in her sleep on Sunday Sept 15th. She was 32 years old. Kiera, their 5-year-old daughter, needs to see the light of Christ in all the family and friends that are helping her and her dad, Jordan, through this difficult time. Jordan thanks everyone for their prayers over this past month (updated 10/25/24)

Heidi Read:  Please pray for my uncle Bill VanLowe who has been diagnosed with cancer and receiving chemo treatments. He just celebrated his 87th birthday! Your continued prayers for the cancer treatment are greatly appreciated. (updated 10/25/24)

Ramon and Nini Margallo: “Pray for our region in the Philippines—-Bicol, especially Iriga City where we are from. Heavy flooding. No power and drinking water. They are in bad shape.  It’s because of a typhoon. Most of those that we baptized back in June, 14 out of 16) are from the next town with lower elevation.  We have lots of relatives and friends. Power and water are out. Water company did not give notice that they will shut the water. My brother and sister-in-law (seniors - Art and Florita) have no water. This is the message from last night. No response today.  (posted 10/22/24)

Pat Wroblewski:  Please pray for my great nephew, Max.  He is 5 years old and as I type this, he is being rushed to the hospital.  He had been complaining about having a headache. Today was the third day, so his mom took him to urgent care.  He has a tumor on his frontal lobe. He is in an ambulance.  He lives in Florida.  Very sweet child.

Thank you so much.  We need lots of prayer warriors on this.  (posted 10/22/24)

JoAnn Hasulak:  My second cousin, Zach Taylor has been diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma. He is 32 years old and will be starting chemo soon.   Your prayers are greatly appreciated.  (posted 10/9/24)

John Bodie:  Prayers requested for friends and classmates in Western N.C. Suffering the devastating disaster of Hurricane Helena. I grew up with these people.  (posted 10/5/24)

Gene Parsons-Gilman:  My dear friend who now resides in Florida found a lump in her breast that was surgically removed, but was told they did not get it all, so she had another surgery this week which has become infected. Please pray for healing (posted 9/27)

Ongoing Issues

Gerry Hoben: Please continue to pray for Gerry Hoben. She and her husband, Reece, are long-time members of New Life Church but often unable to attend because of Gerry’s health. Gerry's doctors are working to find a protocol of medication that will work with her body and allow her to get out of the house.  (updated 7/4/24)

Beverly Golden:  Troy Ware had surgery this past Friday to repair the defibrillator that was put in after his cardiac arrest in January.  The leads had come disconnected and we got a call from cardiologist asking if he had been in an accident.  No, he had not. So, we go to Bolivia hospital for exams and then back to cardiologist a second time and his defibrillator was turned completely off for 24 hours. We took him Friday morning to Wilmington and surgery was done immediately. He is home now, and we hope this doesn't keep him down too long. He can't raise his left arm above his head for another 6 weeks.  Just keep Troy and Jeri in prayer.  It's been very stressful.  (updated 6/12/24)

Lynn Neltnor:  Update on my daughter Justine. She has been found. She needs prayer for her mental state and addictions. Thank you. (updated 5/22/24)

Tim Gilman:  please pray for my son and daughter in law as they have been going through in vitro fertilization procedures for about a year without success. please pray the process will be successful. (updated 5/17/24)

John Heider:  His sister, Sandy Grabow, has breast cancer and still waiting for a treatment plan, but things are going well.  Please pray for continued healing.  (updated 5/12/24)

Sam and Pam Giarrusso: Sam and Pam's great niece, Penny Brown, was diagnosed with RSV.  Penny has SMA which is a condition that affects her muscles and, in this case, her lungs. She cannot cough hard enough to loosen the mucus, etc. She is home now and doing pretty well. Please continue to pray for Penny.  (updated 3/3/24)

Jay and Lisa Hall: Please continue to pray for Jay and Lisa's daughter, Sarah, the mother of two teen boys. Sarah has two incurable conditions, which not only cause much pain but have prevented her from eating. She has a feeding tube, but there have been issues with that. Please pray that Sarah will be able to get into John Hopkins to deal with her feeding tube issue. If you have not watched Sarah's testimony , please try to find the time to do so.  (updated 12/8/23)

Carroll Burke: Please continue to pray for Carroll in the control of her of her symptoms from Parkinson's. We are thankful that the device installed at Duke is having a positive effect.  (updated 11/29/23)

Ministries New Life Church Supports


John Appiah: Tim Gilman, our liaison to our brother John who is a missionary in his native country of Ghana, received the following e-mail on October 13: "... Greetings to Pastor Gregory and the entire saints who made it possible to support us. I need prayers, last Sunday after preaching in one of our local churches, I felt dizzy and passed out. By the grace of God, the leaders revived me and took me to hospital. I was admitted for two days and was transferred to my base- Kumasi. By the grace of God, I am doing much better.  Thank you all, John   (updated 10/16/23)


Christian Recovery Center Inc:  Please continue to pray for CRCI as they branch out in our County, helping their residents recover from many different addictions."


Beach House Recovery:  Calabash - Prayers for the recovery process for the guys involved in this program.


Dr. J – SE Asia:  Due to COVID-19 restrictions the area of Asia/Thailand where Dr. J ministers has shut its borders & she is sidelined in America.  Please pray for an open door for her return; please pray that the food supply chain in that region continue to remain open in spite of the logistical/security and danger issues involved in the transport of the supplies on a daily/monthly basis; please also pray for the many refugee kids & adults.


Judy Bokelman:  Wycliffe Bible Translators: Pray for the work of Bible translation all over the world. Pray that God would call more people everywhere to become translators. Pray for Judy as she serves and works with the leadership team.


Ministry of Mercy (Partners in Joy):  They have submitted the following prayer requests:  (1) that God would send more caregivers to help to take care of the many orphaned babies who come to their Centers;  (2) for the resources/supplies needed to run the orphanage (3)  for health &  educational needs of the older children (4) for assistance in the new projects of expansion being undertaken by the staff to enlarge the facilities; (5) financial support of caregivers/teachers & medical staff & healthcare workers (6) new converts  (7) for funding & blessings on this ministry.


Walt & Mirjam DeMoss:  Walt has asked for prayer as he starts a fourth MSG school, maintains the other three schools & is planning for a new school in India.  He continues to teach full time at the MSG school in Chiangmai.  Mirjam is the language learning coordinator for their former country of service.   All of this at times is overwhelming for him/them.  He & Mirjam are requesting continued prayer for the school staff & house parents as well as recruitment for additional staff.  They have also asked that we pray for their son Micha's growth.


South Brunswick InterChurch Council:  The Lord's Food Pantry" (formerly called Food Pantry) - Seeking financial support to assist local community during this time of COVID-19;  prayer requested for all those participating recipients who receive food (names unspoken) & who are in need of prayer & God's touch.


InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (Terry Maner):   Please remember Terry & his work with InterVarsity..  Please pray for the ongoing "replanting" work in which he is involved.  He is asking for specific prayer for 5 students & the CCU in general as well as opportunities to share the gospel with students on campus.  The staff recently participated in a "Spiritual Formation Retreat" that gave them opportunity to be refreshed and renewed in their spiritual lives.  Terry has asked for the Holy Spirit's continual covering and attuned to Spirit-led attentiveness to what God is doing in the lives of staff in the Carolinas region.