Prayer at New Life Church

New Life Church is committed to being a praying church, utilizing various individual and group means for demonstrating our total dependency upon God for our every need and for the fulfillment of His purposes in us. The prayer guide below provides a list of needs and concerns for which people connected with New Life Church have requested prayer. If you have a prayer request for which you'd like to ask the New Life` Church family to pray, please go to the contact new life church link and fill out and submit the form with your request. Please include any privacy instructions (i.e., "withhold name," "use last name initial only," etc.) in your submitted request.

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace,

that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need"

Hebrews 4:16

Last Updated 5/3/2024

Members of New Life Church and Immediate Family

Charlene Bodie:  The recent blood tests conducted to determine the cause for the swelling in my lymph nodes came back negative for cancer and any auto immune disease.  One test showed an inflammatory marker, which may point to some type of infection, but Praise the Lord. Thank you all for your prayers.  (updated 5/1)

Amy Fluck:  Dave has developed an infection in his foot that was found Sunday afternoon, and he was transferred to Grand Strand Hospital.  He's on antibiotics and they're saying he might get released in a day or two to go home.   Please keep him and Amy in your prayers as he continues to heal. (updated 4/30)

Nancy Rose:  Her stepfather, Thomas Wells, has cancer of his nose.  Despite chemo treatments, the cancer has progressed.  Doctors have given him 6-8 months.  He is having difficulty breathing through his nose and his advanced rheumatoid arthritis makes many tasks nearly impossible to do.  Thank you for all the prayers. (updated 4/30)

Lynn Neltnor:  Please pray for my daughter Justine in Philadelphia. She has gone missing for a couple of weeks. Nobody knows where she is. There are probably drugs involved. Thank you. (updated 4/29)

Heidi Read:   Regarding daughter Amanda Read.  Surgery to remove her gall bladder was Saturday morning. Sparing all the icky details, she is home recovering. Thanks for all your prayers. (updated 4/29)

Becky Davis:  Please pray for my daughter Allison. She is the mother of 2 young children. She is having health issues and just found out today about some abnormal lab results. She is very anxious. (updated 4/27)

Deborah Christenburg:  My first husband (Danny) is back in the rehab facility.  There's not much change.  Please continue to pray for strength mentally and physically.  (updated 4/25)

John Heider:  His sister, Sandy Grabow, has breast cancer and recently underwent a hysterectomy.  Please pray for continued healing.  (updated 4/8)

Friends & Extended Family

Lacey Graves:  Update on Joshua Jarrell. The last test after the clinical trial showed cancer cells had come back so his only chance now is the bone marrow transplant.  He will enter the hospital Monday and start a Mega-dose of chemo which will literally destroy all of his bone marrow. He will continue to be in the hospital and on May 10th he will receive a bone marrow transplant. After that he will remain in the hospital for a month so they can watch him and give him another type of chemo that will keep his body from rejecting the donor marrow.  Please pray for this young man. He is a Christian husband,  father of 5 children and a veteran.  On a side note of interest, his blood type is A, after he receives the transplant, his blood type will change to that of his donor, type O. The human body is awesome, only our Creator could have designed things to work like this!  Thank you for your prayers!  (updated 5/3)

Pat Wroblewski:  my neighbor Jim, has liver cancer. Seeing oncologist today at 230.  First visit to say how bad it is.  Please pray for him and his wife Noreen.  They are very scared. (updated 4/30)

Charlie and Janet Guido - Please pray for our son's friend, Dave.  He is battling Lymphoma.  He is a young man with a family. (updated 4/7)

Jack Bendy:  Please pray for our friend, Vic Cross.  Vic will be receiving treatments as he has cancer of the bladder.  He'll be getting both chemo and radiation.  He is a good man of faith. (updated 4/7)

Ongoing Issues

Beverly Golden:  Troy Ware is home with PT and OT.  He has a long road to travel. He uses his walker but gives out and his Blood pressure is either high or too low.  He is seeing a kidney doctor each month to keep track since they took him off dialysis. Please keep Troy and Jeri in prayers. God is answering prayers, and we must be patient. It's His will be done.  Thank you for reaching out. (updated 3/18)

Sam and Pam Giarrusso: Sam and Pam's great niece, Penny Brown, was diagnosed with RSV.  Penny has SMA which is a condition that affects her muscles and, in this case, her lungs. She cannot cough hard enough to loosen the mucus, etc. She is home now and doing pretty well. Please continue to pray for Penny.  (updated 3/3)

Jay and Lisa Hall: Please continue to pray for Jay and Lisa's daughter, Sarah, the mother of two teen boys. Sarah has two incurable conditions, which not only cause much pain but have prevented her from eating. She has a feeding tube, but there have been issues with that. Please pray that Sarah will be able to get into John Hopkins to deal with her feeding tube issue. If you have not watched Sarah's testimony , please try to find the time to do so.  (updated 12/8)

Carroll Burke: Please continue to pray for Carroll in the control of her of her symptoms from Parkinson's. We are thankful that the device installed at Duke is having a positive effect.  (updated 11/29)

Buff Andresen: Please pray for Buff as he continues to receive immunotherapy infusions at Duke to treat his melanoma.  (updated 11/22)

Ministries New Life Church Supports


John Appiah: Tim Gilman, our liaison to our brother John who is a missionary in his native country of Ghana, received the following e-mail on October 13: "... Greetings to Pastor Gregory and the entire saints who made it possible to support us. I need prayers, last Sunday after preaching in one of our local churches, I felt dizzy and passed out. By the grace of God, the leaders revived me and took me to hospital. I was admitted for two days and was transferred to my base- Kumasi. By the grace of God, I am doing much better.  Thank you all, John   (updated 10/16)


Christian Recovery Center Inc:  Please continue to pray for CRCI as they branch out in our County, helping their residents recover from many different addictions."


Beach House Recovery:  Calabash - Prayers for the recovery process for the guys involved in this program.


Dr. J – SE Asia:  Due to COVID-19 restrictions the area of Asia/Thailand where Dr. J ministers has shut its borders & she is sidelined in America.  Please pray for an open door for her return; please pray that the food supply chain in that region continue to remain open in spite of the logistical/security and danger issues involved in the transport of the supplies on a daily/monthly basis; please also pray for the many refugee kids & adults.


Judy Bokelman:  Wycliffe Bible Translators: Pray for the work of Bible translation all over the world. Pray that God would call more people everywhere to become translators. Pray for Judy as she serves and works with the leadership team.


Ministry of Mercy (Partners in Joy):  They have submitted the following prayer requests:  (1) that God would send more caregivers to help to take care of the many orphaned babies who come to their Centers;  (2) for the resources/supplies needed to run the orphanage (3)  for health &  educational needs of the older children (4) for assistance in the new projects of expansion being undertaken by the staff to enlarge the facilities; (5) financial support of caregivers/teachers & medical staff & healthcare workers (6) new converts  (7) for funding & blessings on this ministry.


Walt & Mirjam DeMoss:  Walt has asked for prayer as he starts a fourth MSG school, maintains the other three schools & is planning for a new school in India.  He continues to teach full time at the MSG school in Chiangmai.  Mirjam is the language learning coordinator for their former country of service.   All of this at times is overwhelming for him/them.  He & Mirjam are requesting continued prayer for the school staff & house parents as well as recruitment for additional staff.  They have also asked that we pray for their son Micha's growth.


South Brunswick InterChurch Council:  The Lord's Food Pantry" (formerly called Food Pantry) - Seeking financial support to assist local community during this time of COVID-19;  prayer requested for all those participating recipients who receive food (names unspoken) & who are in need of prayer & God's touch.


InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (Terry Maner):   Please remember Terry & his work with InterVarsity..  Please pray for the ongoing "replanting" work in which he is involved.  He is asking for specific prayer for 5 students & the CCU in general as well as opportunities to share the gospel with students on campus.  The staff recently participated in a "Spiritual Formation Retreat" that gave them opportunity to be refreshed and renewed in their spiritual lives.  Terry has asked for the Holy Spirit's continual covering and attuned to Spirit-led attentiveness to what God is doing in the lives of staff in the Carolinas region.